a normal text paragraph which
Пример P-1.html: <P> This is a normal text paragraph which contains so many characters that it will most probably be split into several lines by a browser. </P>
Пример P-2.html: <P> This is a normal text paragraph with no attribute for horizontal alignment. Nothing special. </P> <P ALIGN=CENTER> <B>This is a paragraph which should be centered. It should also appear in bold face but this results from explicit use of a B element. Centering itself should not affect the font.</B> </P> <P > This is a paragraph which should be rendered flush right. It is difficult to see why you would ever <EM>like</EM> to use this option! </P>
Смотрите также примеры относительно BLOCKQUOTE, где продемонстрировано разумное использование .