a simple example of embedding

Пример IMG-1.html: <IMG SRC="Yucca.jpg" ALT="[Picture of Yucca]" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=168> <P> <IMG SRC="Yucca.jpg" ALT="[Picture of Yucca]" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=168 > This is a simple example of embedding images. This paragraph should be displayed, in a graphical browser, with an image at the right, and before this paragraph the same image should appear separately, with default alignment. </P>
Используйте IMG с ISMAP, чтобы создать реагирующую на нажатие клавиши мыши карту:
Пример IMG-2.html: <A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/cgi-bin/imagemap/Pictures/English/english.map"> <IMG HEIGHT="400" WIDTH="400" SRC="http://www.hut.fi/Pictures/English/english.gif" ALT="Helsinki University of Technology" ISMAP> </A>

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a simple example of embedding

a simple example of embedding